There are over 500 million people on Facebook…that’s 1 in 12 of every person on earth! That fact alone ought to remind us that we are relational creatures. As a matter of fact, some theologians argue that since God exists as a community- Father, Son and Holy Spirit- and since we are created in the image of God that we are created for relationships.

However, we are not created for just any sort of relationship. We are created for friendship.
When we are living well into our friendships we demonstrate something of the very character of the God who is love, who is, friendship. Perhaps that is what Jesus meant when he said, “Love one another as I have loved you. When you do this, people will know that you are my disciples.” John 13:34
During this year we are thinking together about friendship, about our “Life…Together.” We will considering the role of friendship in our lives, specific forms of friendship like those found in the community of Jesus followers and the bonds of marriage. We will think about “friendship killers” and what we are to do “when they don’t love us like they are supposed to.”
More than anything we will be thinking together about ways to strengthen friendship so that our relationships become “signs and wonders” that point beyond themselves to the God whose very nature is friendship.
Join us!
10:00 AM Sunday Morning
Due to the COVID-19 Virus, we will be meeting online.
Contact us for Meeting information.
Our new location address is
230 Collins Industrial Way,
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
Click here for directions!!!
Our mailing address is
PO Box 490142,
Lawrenceville, GA 30049